5 Fresh Freebie Ideas (that aren’t PDFs)

Let’s be honest with each other for a minute…

How many times have you signed up for someone’s freebie only for it to stay unopened in your inbox until it goes into the freebie graveyard?

How can you be sure the freebie that you created doesn’t face the same doom?

If you spend any amount of time scrolling through Instagram or listening to a podcast, you probably have seen or heard about the importance of email marketing.

Personally, it’s something that I’m leaning into more this year. But one of the main hesitations people have about email marketing is how small their list is and getting stuck on how to add subscribers.

So, if you’ve been looking for a way to grow your list, I hope that this post sparks some new life into the way you create opt-ins aka freebies to increase your list.

Create something new and exciting, let’s break out of the PDF box with these unique opt-in ideas.

Host a Challenge

Focus on one of your ideal client's goals and give share your magic & expertise that will help them achieve it.

For 3/5/7 etc days, email a daily challenge and encourage the subscribers to reply once they've completed it. This will help them build trust and gain accountability.

Video Series

Mini-masterclass time!

Drop into inboxes with bite-sized videos for your target audience to follow along with.

Record the videos using Vimeo and upload the link into your email with a summary and CTA.


Okay, so I guess technically this could be a PDF but what I love about templates is that it's a tool that someone can use right away in their business.

This gives them a quick win and shows that you're really good at what you do!

Ex: Graphic Templates, Caption Templates, ClickUp Template

Sneak Peek

Have a course and want more people to sign up?

Try sending a bonus module as an opt-in to help your ideal client see your teaching style and the type of value that they can look forward to.

Live Webinar

This one will take more time and energy but what better way to gain more clients than to interact with them LIVE?!

To keep it easy, you can do a webinar about the top 5 things you're asked about as a (job title) or your 5 biggest tips as a (job title).

Make sure to set aside some time at the end to answer a couple of questions.

Once you have your drool-worthy freebie ready for the world, let’s get your tech set up so that it’s ready for delivery!

Here are some of the things that you’ll want to set up

✓ Email Provider: create a segment/tag for the people who opt-in

✓ Landing Page: explaining what your freebie is, the transformation it provides, about you

✓ Confirmation Page/Redirect to another page: this can be a simple message or you can send subscribers to another page on your website

BONUS TIP: Make sure that no matter which format you choose that you pair it with a welcome/nurture email sequence. You’re inviting new people into your community which means you need to introduce yourself and begin a relationship. Also, don’t forget to have an email in the sequence letting them know about how they can work with you and the other resources that you have available.

Which of these ideas are you going to try? I’d love to hear! Send me an email hello@krystlestraubco.com


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