Struggling with content creation? How repurposing can help you stay consistent and increase conversions.


We’ve all been there, staring at the screen, trying to figure out what to post next.

The pressure to constantly create fresh, engaging content can be overwhelming, especially when you’re juggling the countless other tasks that come with running a business.

But what if I told you there’s a game-changing strategy that can simplify your content creation process?

Content Repurposing!!

🙌🏽 Why Repurposing is a Game-Changer

You might be thinking, “But my followers have heard this before…”

And the answer is: they need to hear it again. And again. And yes, even again.

Here’s the truth: We have squirrel brains and paired with the amount of content we’re consuming daily, it’s easy to forget what we just read or watched by the next day. We need all the reminders.

Repetition is key to solidifying your brand messaging and making sure your audience truly gets what you’re all about.

🚨 Important Point: Repurposing doesn’t mean you’re just copying and pasting your
old content.

It’s about taking the valuable insights and tips you’ve already shared and giving them a fresh spin. It’s about remixing your existing content into something new and engaging while keeping the core message intact.

💪🏽 How repurposing builds your brand

Every time you repurpose a piece of content, you’re strengthening your brand message and marking your space in your niché as the go-to expert.

It’s like hammering in a nail—you don’t just hit it once; you keep hitting it until it’s secure. The same goes for your content. The more you repeat your key messages, the more they’ll stick with your audience.

📈 Grow your audience and expand visibility.

Repurposing also allows you to reach different segments of your audience across various platforms. Maybe one person missed your Instagram post but the email that shares the same topic. Or maybe they’re not on your email list but listened to your podcast episode. This approach ensures your message gets in front of as many eyes (and ears) as possible.

How to start repurposing your content.

  1. Start with your analytics.

    What are your highest performing (comments/shares/replies) pieces of content?

  2. Recreate the magic.

    How can you re-write that piece of content? If it was an Instagram caption, can you elaborate more to turn it into a blog post? If it’s an email that got a ton of replies, turn it into Instagram posts and a blog. Turn a podcast into an email.

    The possibilities are endless!

    Don’t forget to add a call-to-action to your content to encourage engagement and conversion.

  3. Pick your platforms.

    The last thing I want you to feel is that you need to be showing up everywhere because that’s not true.

    Repurposing is about making content creation easier so you can show up where your people are and reach even more!

    IMO, I think for many service providers, that looks like Instagram, Threads, Email and Blogging and Pinterest for distribution.

    Do what’s best for your business and brainspace. 🙃

  4. Optimize!

    Now the key here is to expand your visibility and to have the content fit the platform.

    For blogging, that means adding keywords and footers to convert, converting images, etc.

    Email marketing, designing in an appealing way, adding a call-to-action, etc.

Let’s wrap this up.

You can say goodbye to content ruts when you start implementing repurposing.

By taking what’s already worked and giving it a fresh twist, you’re not only saving time but also creating a more efficient content strategy. Plus, you’re ensuring that your message reaches as many people as possible, across multiple platforms.

So, the next time you’re struggling with what to post, remember: you are sitting on a goldmine of content ready to be remixed.

Stick around friend and I’ll help you along the way!


Want a crash course on how to start a blog?

Download The Simple CEO’s Guide to Starting a Blog.

I’m breaking down what to include, my favorite tools and 8 prompts to start with 😍.

Hey, have we met? I’m Krystle! If you’re a power-house CEO stressed out with trying to do all of the things alone, you’ve made it to the right place.

I offer a variety of services to help take the weight off of you so that you can focus on the things that you love doing in your business.

From tech builds like course & email platforms to funnels and blog strategy & writing, I’m here to support you!

Follow me on Instagram where I share simple tips that you can apply right away and I also have some fun content to lighten things up because social should be fun, right?

Looking to start a blog of your own? I offer both Done-for-You and Done-with-You options! Browse Blogging Services.

Have a big launch coming up or needing some email funnels built? I have you covered there too. 😍 Browse Tech Services.

Wanna chat more? Send me an email or send me a DM.

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The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Sustainable Digital Content Strategy Using Repurposing.


What is blogging and how does it work? Answering your questions about blogging for small businesses.