5 Ways ManyChat works to bring in new leads and grow your business.


What if you head an employee bringing leads into your business for free?!

One that as soon as someone asked for something, they would deliver it day or night, 365, 24/7 but you didn’t have to pay them a penny. 

No, I’m not telling you to do anything illegal here. Just letting you in on a powerful tool that will be a game-changer in your business.

Let me introduce you to a lovely automation tool named ManyChat 🤖 created by Meta to help YOU grow your business outside of Instagram. And the best part is that there’s a free version.

You’ve probably seen posts where people say comment “word” to get a checklist, guide, etc. and then it sends you a DM & comments right away - that’s the work of ManyChat.

To set up your ManyChat account you’ll need a Facebook Business account connected to your Instagram account.

Once you have your account set up, it’s time to create your first flow aka automation.

ManyChat Flow Example

This is the most popular automation template:

Automations work on a WHEN this happens THEN this happens. 

ManyChat Triggers - a specific word or phrase that someone leaves on a Reel, Post or DM

- a DM with a message + link/button

In ManyChat it’s called a flow and it looks like this ⤵

ManyChat Automation Example

I have a full Instagram post that can help walk you through setting this up.

If you’re thinking, “but why should I be using this? It’s just another thing to figure out and I don’t have time for that.”

Here are 5 reasons why I’m loving ManyChat

Builds Brand Authority

Ideally, your automation should lead your followers to a resource that is going to help them have some quick wins in their business and show your expertise.

Need some inspiration? Here is a blog post that I wrote to give you some free resource ideas.

Grow Your Email List

Set up your auto-reply to have a link to an opt-in page for your email list which will put them into a funnel (aka email series). Do not underestimate the value of your email list. 

Write a welcome sequence that walks leads through a journey learning who you are, your biggest tips, and how you can help them.

Understand Your Target Audience & Followers

Get to know your followers even more, use ManyChat to poll your audience to see how you can best serve them or just have fun and get to know them better.

Ex: Which topic would you like me to talk about next? Are you team pumpkin or apple?

You can have a lot of fun with this! 

Boost Your Engagement

By encouraging followers to leave a comment, you’re feeding that algorithm the fuel it needs to push your content in front of more people.

Easy Access to Resources

ManyChat makes it super easy for someone to leave a comment and get the link, download, etc. that they need without having to go to a profile link and scroll for a button.

The faster people can get what they want, the better. We are busy and lose interest quickly.

Word of caution: don’t abuse this tool by adding it to every post - that would just be spammy and annoying. 

And there ya have it, your newest team member!

Pretty cool right? 

Hi friend! I’m so happy you made it over to my blog.

If we haven’t met yet, I’m Krystle a Launch Tech Specialist & Digital Marketing Assistant for ambitious course creators &  online business owners who are overwhelmed with trying to do all of the things alone.

I’d love to have you hang with me more! Here are some ways to connect with me outside of this lovely blog:

Follow me on Instagram where I share simple tips that you can apply right away and I also have some fun content to lighten things up because social should be fun, right?

Subscribe to my Techie Talk email list to get more gems like this right in your inbox. You’ll also have first access to any free resources that I make.

Browse my services and see if you’d like to partner up on your next launch or if you need a VIP Day to get some of your tech in order. I’m your girl.

Wanna chat more? Send me an email hello@krystlestraubco.com or send me a DM.

Cheers to our new friendship!


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