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5 Places to Turn for Endless Content Ideas Using Market Research

We’ve all been there, staring at a blank screen with no idea what to write about. We think we know what our target audience needs to hear — but do we really?

Market research is the non-sexy side of business and it takes time to get to know your target market intimately.

Of course, you can hop on a few calls to interview, send surveys, etc which all are great but sometimes you don’t get enough feedback to go off of, thankfully there are free tools out there to help you dig into your dream client’s mind and create some powerful content with!

🧠 Get inside of your target audience’s head with market research.

  • What questions are they asking?

  • What are they venting/ranting about?

  • What type of support are they searching for?

Tip: Before you get started, open up a Google Sheet to start writing down all of the content ideas you’re about to uncover! Organize the sheet by your content pillars (aka content categories).

Pst, if you need help creating your content pillars, here’s a quick crash course.

How to Create Content Pillars (Content Categories)

Think of these as the core topics that your content will cover on repeat.

➡ What do you want to be known for?

➡ What are some key strategies and tips that you love sharing?

➡ What messages/reminders do your ideal clients need to hear?

➡ What are some relatable things/situations in your niché and industry?

➡ What do you love talking about?

Start with those questions and write down some over-arching themes for your content pillars.

🔥 Google Search

Search one of your content pillars and see what comes up under “People Also Ask”, “People Also Search For” and “Related Searches” to see what other topics you can pull.

This is a great way to see what questions and topics your target audience is actively searching for.

You can seriously go down a rabbit hole here!

🔥 Answer the Public

This is a great tool from Neil Patel who is just a genius at all things keywords and data. Again, type in your content pillar and watch as the site gives you a bunch of questions that are being asked about that topic!

🔥 Reddit

I’ll be honest, I don’t fullyyyyy understand Reddit but it’s pretty useful in the sense that you can really see what people are complaining about 😆 and it comes in handy with market research.

It’s basically a forum where people ask questions and then others answer them - whether or not the advice they give is right or not is up for debate but it’s a great place to see where and HOW people are asking questions.

Take important notes on what words and phrases they are using.

🔥 ChatGPT

Of course I’m going to mention ChatGPT on this list because it’s the one tool where you can keep refining your search to give you more accurate information.

Here’s a simple prompt that I like to use:

Hi ChatGPT, please act as an expert business strategist to help me better understand my target market. I am a (state what you do and what your business is) and I support (ideal client profile: who they are, what they struggle with, goals, demographics, personality, etc.) with (what you offer).

What are some questions that my target audience has about ___ (topic)?

From there you can ask more questions to get even more specific answers or pivot and ask ChatGPT to help you develop a full client profile. And it will walk you through a series of questions and then at the end you can say “using this information, please provide me with 20 pieces of content” that speaks to my ideal client’s pain points, desires, etc.

🔥 Comments

Do not underestimate the power of snooping 🔎 

Go through the accounts of others in your niché and industry or even accounts that have similar followers to yours and see which posts are resonating. Write down any key phrases or words that people are saying. 

What topics are getting the most traction? What questions are being asked in the comments? Are there any standout statements?

⚡️ Let’s Recap

By doing a little research using these tools, you’ll be able to create content that speaks directly to your dream client’s pain points and desires leaving them feeling seen and heard. In turn, you become THE person that they look forward to hearing from.

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