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Freebie Refresh: 9 Places to Promote Your Lead Magnet

But first, why is a freebie important anyway?

Grow Your Email List Organically:

Sure, you could just beg for more email signups, but let's be real, nobody wants more emails in their inbox. A freebie, on the other hand? It’s way more enticing to say, “Save time creating content every week and download my templates now” versus “Sign up for my newsletter.”  You get a hot new lead, and they get a solution to their burning problem.

Establish Authority and Expertise:

You’re providing your client a quick-win. You’ve done the research and know what your ideal client is struggling with and you put together a resource to help them where they are to achieve a solution they desperately need.

Flex your expertise. You’re the hero saving the day with this freebie! When you provide value, you’re simultaneously building trust and showing that you are the expert in your niche.

Nurture Leads and Convert to Clients:

Opportunity to nurture ideal clients through a welcome email sequence (aka funnel) so that they can learn more about you and your services.

Now that you have your freebie created and all the tech built, it’s time to get people to sign up.

IG Bio Link

This one is obvious but just in case, make sure you update your bio to say, “Download xyz here” and then have the link that will send the user to the opt-in page.

Email Footer

I love optimizing footers to include links.

Blog Footer

Again, don’t underestimate footers. The readers are already scrolling so might as well through in some links to get them to keep bingeing through your content.

Website In-Line Forms

Create an in-line form through your email service provider and then embed it onto your homepage, services page, etc. Add some copy about what your lead magnet is and what transformation it provides. (P.S. This also helps with SEO ranking!)

Pinterest Pins

Pinterest is essential if you want to get even more eyes on your freebies. Think about it, how many times have you turned to Pinterest when you’re searching for something? Don’t miss out on ideal clients, because they are using this tool daily.

When creating your pins use specific keywords and boards to increase your visibility.

Resource Page

I love it when a website has a resource page. One landing page with all of the free resources that they offer. It makes it so easy for someone to hop on and download what they need.

Podcast Notes

Do you have a podcast or will be featured on one? Make sure to add a link in the show notes.

YouTube Descriptions

Give watchers another way to interact and learn from you by adding the link to the description and your channel page as well.

And there you have it! You have blasted the internet and socials with your lead magnet. Now you can relax and watch your email list grow!

Want a full rundown of what tech you need to set up before you launch your freebie, course or digital product? I got ya covered, download the New Offer Tech-List to help make launching wayyy easier and it’s free 😍.

Follow me on Instagram where I share simple tips that you can apply right away and I also have some fun content to lighten things up because social should be fun, right?

Browse my services and see if you’d like to partner up on your next launch or if you need a VIP Day to get some of your tech in order. I’m your girl.

Wanna chat more? Send me an email or send me a DM.

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